February 29, 2008

A Magical set of artists

So I just got back from the local comic shop, and look what I found in my magical pack of Magic: the Gathering cards. O snap! Look at that art, so impressive.

Every Beast Needs a Master

Here is the final painting for the Beast of Burden challenge. I also did the rider since I thought he would be fun to work on.


A Beast of Burden based off of one of my favorite classic creatures, the chimaera. Ohhh yeaah.

February 25, 2008

Great Dolphin

Artificially evolved from their smaller ancestors, the domesticated Great Dolphin is the transportation of choice across the great seas of the world. Ever since the Big Melt of the 22nd century, humans have learned to use these beasts of burden to perform a multitude of underwater tasks. Their great strength and intelligence have made them prime choices for use in our world today. Riders are equipped with a breathing apparatus that is set to refill when the Great Dolphin comes to the surface to breathe (approximately every half hour).

February 23, 2008

vote for jehan

in case you haven't heard...
lets vote for our homeboy.
second row from the top, 3 on the far right.


go Jehan!
(hope you don't mind jehan)

February 22, 2008

Exercise #13 Extension: Ends 2/29/08

Current Topics

1.) Beast of Burden: Create an animal or creature that is used for riding. Can include the rider as well.

2.) Enchanted Forest: Create an enchanted forest. Can also include the animals that dwell within the forest.

Ends 2/29/08

Thanks for all the great posts

February 21, 2008

Beast of...

Okay, so maybe he's not quite a beast of burden, but he is still a beast none the less. This is a comp for a piece that is a carryover from the Dino/Samurai challenge. Part kneaded eraser, part photoshop.

February 16, 2008


Meet the craziest beast out there! Me.

And the rider, her name is Tackleberry. She is a penguin. I think.

And the lady in the background? Lets just say she couldn't take too much of the beast.

February 15, 2008

February 14, 2008

Lava Beast

Has a modified back for riding on and lava resistant skin.

February 13, 2008

snail o' burden

I promise you...she can haul ass.

February 8, 2008

February 2, 2008

Exercise #13 Beast of Burden & Enchanted Forest

New Topics

1.) Beast of Burden: Create an animal or creature that is used for riding. Can include the rider as well.

2.) Enchanted Forest: Create an enchanted forest. Can also include the animals that dwell within the forest.

Ends 2/22/08

Thanks for all the great posts and for keeping this blog alive :)

FutureScape - I'm done...

That's it. Would have liked to have taken it further... not quite where I would like to leave it off, but I'm done. I've got other shit to do... haha. good posts all around this, once again!