June 14, 2007

This is a sketch of an endangered fish known as Humongas balloonius- The most lazy fish on the planet, it inflates these balloons attached to its back to float near the surface of the water where it leaves its mouth open to eat. This fish commonly attracts parasites to inhabit its mouth to feed off its remnants. Due to evolution, its fins have been vestigal and small.


Tony Bui said...

This fish is fricken cute. Or is it just me? I would like to own one.

Shaun Moore said...

Reminds me of F.D.R. (Sans wheelchair) Our nation's laziest President.

Andrew Harkins said...

I like the little fish inside the mouth...he looks scared!

JaimeRamirezArt said...

Lol, very interesting idea. I like the tiny vestigial fins.