Hey... Okay, one more post for me this time around. I decided to create a "Secret Hideout" for my hero, The Unknown Soldier. This is his lair which is called "The Tomb." In a post WW4 world, the current bearer of the the title of The Unknown Soldier has set himself up in the abandoned National Armory of a former Eastern European Country. This is his virtual "fortress of solitude" where he goes to recuperate. Inside the Armory are relecs of weoponry/vehicles/armor used in warfare from all of humankind's conflicts. The Unknown Soldier is right at home among the relics.
The idea of the Armory as a base of operations seemed pretty natural for my character. When I was in high school, i was part of a student exchange program and was able to visit Russia as a sophomore. The National Armory in Moscow made a big impression on me because of all the armor, weoponry, costumes, chariots, you name it housed inside the building. I was really lucky to go on that trip and it made a huge impact on me. It was also during this trip that I decided I wanted to become an artist. I guess this is my tribute to that time in my life...
Decided to add a foreground element with the chain link fence. Wanted to do it initially, but I guess I wanted to get my weekend started earlier. I think the chainlinks need a little "snow." I'll probably keep noodlin' with it from time to time. Anyhow, I think it adds a much needed foreground separation and immediately adds the voyeuristic element to the piece. Yeah, that's it... Enjoy.
Sweet!!! I like the touch of the the statue guards ready to attack, and it has a nice run down antique feel to it. And it feels like it would be in a place in Russia with the snow background.
Nice. Love the detail with the chain-link fence in perspective. My only suggestion is that the figure blends in with the background too much. Hopefully, you saved the psd file and can blur out the background a little. That will make it read better. Did you pick up Iron Fist...damn that is getting good.
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