Hey guys. here is my space cowboy that I cant help but make similar to Han Solo. Cuz he is the OG Space Cowboy.
Imagination Lab. This is an artistic space for creativity, fun, inspiration, collaboration, and growth; all coming from an Illustration/Animation point of view. As often as we can, we will practice our skills with new design exercises. Execution of the designs can be in any style or genre - anything goes. We're here to help each other grow as artists and keep things fresh. Hope you enjoy...
Han Solo is the man for sure. Good to see your stuff up here too!
this dude is creepy. its more like "Bladerunner" 20 years later! he looks pissed. nice to see you working with a little "future-tech," Andrea.
Nice. From looking at the heavy bags under his eyes, the guy needs some sleep.
nice...no matter how different you draw, your characters always have that special "andrea" feeling...i love the attitude in this guy's posture
"are you talkin to me?" i don't know why but this is reminding me of taxi driver... yeah, the next subject should be "space cabbie" ;)
love the line work, btw
I love your delicate line work Andrea. I can totally see this guy kicking some ass. Great pose
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