Here's the color version of the transformer I had posted earlier. I think I'll call him Panzer for now (tank in German) since he's a ww2 german tank. Not very original name, but what the heck. Here's a cool link to a page with tons of Transformers movie images including a bunch of concept art, check it out :
Christ! This is beautiful! Great Paint Job Ariel!!! My dude would definetely, definetely get out of your way. Thanks for the links as well.
Are you sure that's not concept art from the movie? DAMN!!! Good job. Yeah, I think mine will stay out of his way too, at least until WWII is over with.
ARIEL!!! BAD ASS MAN BAD ASS. Did this guy survive to the present? Cause I think drifter wants a piece of Panzer hahaha.
So awesome! I love the lighting, the atmosphere, and everything about this, Ariel! You make me want to see the movie again, and get 15 sequels made.
I think you know what I mean when I tell you this guy is disgusting.
I think you know what I mean when I tell you this guy is disgusting.
All kneel to the Tech Master.
That is HOT! You are the mechanical visdev master.
what can i say that hasn't been said already?
oh yea,
this piece is mind bottling.
kicking some serious ass!
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