September 4, 2007

Exercise 06: Design a Weapon & "Flight"

Hope you guys and gals had a great labor day weekend. Hopefully you had enough BBQ to refuel your creation engines.

The topics for the following weeks are as follows:

Ends 9/21/2007

Topic 1

Design a weapon for an original character. Focus on the weapon but also keep in mind the character and how it fits him/her/creature. Any type of weapon, any time period, any genre. You can also design the character as well or just describe the character that fits the weapon.

Topic 2

Word: "Flight"

Who hasn't dreamed about soaring above the clouds or taking off into the sky. We have all had a dream about flying whether it was a great experience or a fearful one. Depict what the word "Flight" means to you. Depict "Flight" in any incarnation that you wish. The skies the limit.

Have fun and take care.

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