Dash Cavalier - Dash is a brazen, headstrong space cowboy whose righteousness knows no bounds. Either do right by the law or get out of Gamma Quadrant 2. However, Dash's intentions are greater than his ability to realize those intentions. This is due to his one true weakness: pride. It is pride which clouds his mind and lets enemies gain advantage over him. Luckily, a chance meeting at the local Hometown Buffet put him in contact with a certain Chalmers Butterfield.
Chalmers Butterfield - You may be thinking Chalmers Butterfield...the mid-century photographer? No, not that Chalmers Butterfield. This Chalmers Butterfield comes from a race of turban wearing space monkeys, whose goal in life is to bring good upon the Universe. They are humble to a fault and will take no credit for being a hero. Chalmers Butterfield helps Dash beat the wrongdoers of the Universe, although Dash is unwilling to accept that a monkey is saving his butt day in and day out. Without Chalmers Butterfield, Dash would not be able to beat his greatest nemesis, Vincent Billingsley.
Vincent Billingsley - Vincent was born into a wealthy family who provided for all he could ever want...except love. Because of this, Vincent never understood real love, and displaced these feelings and desires towards material posessions and wealth. And so, Vincent grew to be a shrewd and calculating businessman who is always looking to profit through any means necessary. No amount of wealth will ever be enough to fill the void in his heart.
This are some really sweet designs. And I was going to have a pet space monkey too! Great minds. I think if you cleaned it up a bit and added shadows and a highlight, this would be a nice portfolio piece.
you have definitely imporved on your design skills. the one on the right is far more appealing to me. seems like he has an attitude and personality. even though they are different, their silohuettes are still relatively the same. Dash looks cocky, so you should play on that idea. if he has good aim, maybe he has glasses. maybe he is super strong like mr. incredible. if he is all buff, maybe he has a really buff monkey too! haha, i could imagine it already!
Chalmers Butterfield is too cute! I laughed out loud while reading his profile.
These characters have a lot of potential for appeal. The reason I say "potential" is because a couple of things bother me. First Off, Dash displays a decent amount of character. However, he doesn't fit your intention of being an Egyptian Warlord. You might what to look up some reference of that time period to get a better idea of the type of sombreros and parkas they wore back then. Also, Vincent Billingsley looks pretty bad ass, but he looks nothing like Franklin Delano Roosevelt! Maybe giving him a kite with a key on it that shoots lightening bolts will better clarify that reference.. Good job!
I love that you are thinking about the character's personality and their backstory. These are allreally fun to look at and read about. I want to see them in action.
Cool back story. I like the dude on the right. The monkey is cool too... does he transform at all? I really like the color scheme for both of them. Nice work buddy.
Wow thanks guys! You're really encouraging. I really like the suggestions, especially what Nigel said about the sillhouettes. I was just having some fun, but I'll take a second pass and work a little more on character.
I agree with Januel, you do clean up nicely. And these 2 characters look fantastic. I am particularly partial to the potential of professor vincent billingsley, who is on par with the pack of pickled peppers that peter piper picked.
Chalmers is cool. Not as cool as Palmers tho. But he does have a tail. Maybe I will too someday. Like when I dress up as a Cat girl at Fanime con.
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