I wanted to do a strange design and break away from "Grey" alien design. I went ahead and did a color version of him walking away injured from the crash.
Imagination Lab. This is an artistic space for creativity, fun, inspiration, collaboration, and growth; all coming from an Illustration/Animation point of view. As often as we can, we will practice our skills with new design exercises. Execution of the designs can be in any style or genre - anything goes. We're here to help each other grow as artists and keep things fresh. Hope you enjoy...
this guy is great. Reminds me of total recall when their heads were about to pop.
nice Jaime. what they hell is "Grey" alien design. your rendering gets better and better. next stop, SPAWN covers.
I like the sagging breastijowls. That's hot.
hahaha. i like the alien grabbing it's breast...they are so like us.
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