I really need everyone to give me some hard critiques. Go for it. Rip in. Make those ACME guys look like girl scouts. Make Bunny look like a bunny.
Imagination Lab. This is an artistic space for creativity, fun, inspiration, collaboration, and growth; all coming from an Illustration/Animation point of view. As often as we can, we will practice our skills with new design exercises. Execution of the designs can be in any style or genre - anything goes. We're here to help each other grow as artists and keep things fresh. Hope you enjoy...
I like, I like...These are great.
yes these are nice. but dude, stay on topic. its future cityscapes and self portraits. are you going to just keep posting whatever you want on here?
aidan the coloring job on the top piece is freakin righteous. i love how you handled it. since you said be mean, i'll say that I think the gradiant on the sky and the stars makes the piece look a little cheap.. like clip art.
but still a very badass piece
I agree with Jehan. Also, I think the monsters are handled with so much care that the people in the two images look like an afterthought. With everything else done well, the people sort of throw me off. Otherwise, cool!
Oh, and thanks for stopping by my blog too.
I like the top one. It reminds me of Sauron from the X-Men. It looks like comic-book art. The bottom one is kinda, "Where the Wild Things Are," only "cooler." heh-heh. I like its lighting but think the values could be pushed a little.
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