Alrighty Guys, it's the FANTASTIC RANGERS! Mr. Chiptastic, Invisible Mouse, The Chipmunk Torch and The Jack!
Imagination Lab. This is an artistic space for creativity, fun, inspiration, collaboration, and growth; all coming from an Illustration/Animation point of view. As often as we can, we will practice our skills with new design exercises. Execution of the designs can be in any style or genre - anything goes. We're here to help each other grow as artists and keep things fresh. Hope you enjoy...
NICE. I hadn't even thought of Rescue Rangers!!!
I bet this would make a better movie than both Fantastic Four movies combined!!!
wheew... before the picture loaded, I thought it was gonna be the Power Rangers you be wranglin'! Glad it's not
Great work, glad to see someone chose to do the chipmunks, they rule!
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