Before anyone questions my gender, the original subject was my last shipped title, and I enjoyed drawing in the style. And I'm gay.
Imagination Lab. This is an artistic space for creativity, fun, inspiration, collaboration, and growth; all coming from an Illustration/Animation point of view. As often as we can, we will practice our skills with new design exercises. Execution of the designs can be in any style or genre - anything goes. We're here to help each other grow as artists and keep things fresh. Hope you enjoy...
I LOVE IT!!!! And I too, am gay.
Where's Northstar?
Ha! Does anyone dress like him at the cons?
Oh man! I love Ms. Marvel. This is great, Leo!
Sweet drawing and nice presentation! Love the Elektra pose. Is that wrong?
Haha... LEO?!!? SHOULD WE HAVE A COMING OUT PART FOR YOU?! Too cutsy, real men would puke when they see this haha. Am I real man if i love it tho? haha
hahaha oh leo
Oh Leo..so hecka funny!
Wow Leo this is amazing!!
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